Windows DNS Export/Import
Exporting / Importing Standard DNS zone records are relatively easy; just copy the zone (eg. ) files from existing server (C:\WINDOWS\system32\dns) and place these .dns files in the same location (C:\WINDOWS\system32\dns) in the target (new) server, restart the DNS service and you are done. Note: if you are hosting mix DNS record (AD and Standard) then copy zone file may not work. Your need to create empty primary standard domain in forward lookup zone and open this zone file from C:\WINDOWS\system32\dns and copy the contents from the source .dns file and reload or restart the dns server for refresh. . Exporting AD Integrated DNS zone records: Generally exporting AD DNS to files is recording purpose. We can build a new DNS server and all these record will be replicated. Step 1. Mouse right click on the every zone record and click on Export list…. Alternative (using dnscmd command) F.Y.I – DNSCMD comes with the Windows Support Tools. C...