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Do those following things in the windows system. 1.  Block port 138.139,445 with the firewall. 2. How to enable or disable SMB protocols on the SMB server:     Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008       To enable or disable SMB protocols on an SMB Server that is running Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008, use Windows PowerShell or Registry Editor.      Windows PowerShell 2.0 or a later version of PowerShell     To disable SMBv1 on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet:         Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 0 -Force     To enable SMBv1 on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet:         Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 1 -Force ...

How to download Virtual machine image of google cloud to local computer

======================================================================== Command to download Virtual machine image of google cloud to local computer. ======================================================================== 1.Download GoogleCloudSDKInstaller.exe and install in windows computer. 2.Configured Gcloud credential and region. 3.If you don't have any bucket then create one bucket to  store exported image. 4.Run below command in gcloud cli: gcloud compute images export --destination-uri gs://my-bucket/my-image.tar.gz \ --image my-image --project my-project or gcloud compute images export --destination-uri gs://my-bucket/my-image.tar.gz --image my-image --project_ My First Project 5. After finish, you can download the exported image of the virtual machine from gcloud bucket. ========================================================================

Email Junk ISSUE Help.

======================= Email Junk ISSUE Help. ======================= 1. Your IP Address Was Used for Spam -Even if you never send spam yourself, your emails could get flagged as spam if your IP address was used by someone else for spam. 2. Your Subscribers Don’t Remember You -The second most common reason that emails never reach the inbox (affecting 21% of emails) is spam complaints. -Every time a subscriber reports an email as spam–even if it isn’t really spam–this complaint gets recorded by the mailbox provider. Once the complaints exceed a certain threshold, all future campaigns skip the inbox and get sent directly to the spam folder. 3. Your Subject Line is Misleading -As the CAN-SPAM act states(, it is actually against the law to intentionally mislead someone with your subject line in order to induce them to view the message. -In a survey conducted by Litmus and Fluent (https://litm...

Convert the PV instance into an HVM instance

============================================= Convert the PV instance into an HVM instance ============================================= If copying data from the PV instance to a new HVM instance doesn’t suit your needs, you can convert a PV instance into an HVM instance by following these steps: Note: These are general guidance steps. Be sure to modify the steps as needed for your configurations. 1. Stop the PV instance. Note: We recommend that you perform this step on a test PV instance. To create the test instance, first create an image of your PV instance. Then, launch a new PV instance from the image. 2. Create a snapshot of the PV instance’s root volume. 3. Restore the PV instance's root volume snapshot as a new EBS volume. The volume must be restored in the same Availability Zone as the PV instance. 4. Launch a new instance from an Amazon Linux HVM AMI. The instance must be launched in the same Availability Zone as the PV instance. 5. Choose the EBS ...