Backup & Restore Database as SQL Dump by SqlYog

Direct Connection using MySQL C API (Sqlyog)

Download SQLyog Community Edition from this url and install /run
fter you have connected to an instance of MySQL, you can make additional connections by selecting the New Connection option from the File menu.

Saved Connections
Select the connection name from the list. To rename a saved connection, click on the Rename button and edit the connection name and click save option to save the changed connection name. Other details can also be changed by selecting the particular connection, changing the necessary values and then by clicking on save to save those values.
MySQL Host Address
Specify a host name where the database is situated or the IP address of the server.
User Name
Specify a user name for connecting to the database server.
Note: This is MySQL username. Not your FTP or web server username.
Type MySQL user Password
Save Password
Check this option if you want SQLyog to save your MySQL password and to stop asking you to enter it in the future.
Define a TCP/IP port for connecting to the database server.
Database name. You may enter several database names separated by semicolon (like db1;db2). If you do not enter the database name, all the database names would be listed, to select from.

Backup Database as SQL Dump by SqlYog

Right click on Database which you want backup then click Backup/Export -> Backup Database As Sql Dump
In New opened window, select below option as per screen above shot.

  1. Select Structure & Data
  2. Select Export to file location and then give backup “filename.sql”
  3. Select Option Set FOREIGN_KEy_CHECKS=0 & Include “DROP” statment(s)
  4. Then Export.

Restore Database from SQL Dump By SqlYog

Right click on Database which you want to restore, then click Import < Restore From Sql Dump as per above image.

Then select sql Sump file where you stored .

Click Execute .


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